The Six Blades Youth Program focuses on the physical, emotional and mental well being, as well as the education of our children. It is “Education for Life.” Firstly, we provide our young students with the most powerful defensive skills so they will be prepared to confidently stand up against bullies.

In addition, we assist our students with the development of characteristics and skills they will need in order to live a happy and balanced life. Our young pupils develop discipline, respect, courage, athleticism, and patience among other important values. We promote nonviolent resolutions to conflict.

The Six Blades Youth Program focuses a great deal of attention to the development of self-esteem.  A good self-image is the basis of a well functioning, happy and successful child.

Our curriculum integrates physical education and self-defense techniques with conditioning and skill oriented games aimed at improving your child’s coordination, motor skills, agility and flexibility. Every instructor receives training in our unique teaching methodology, enabling them to deliver learning through dynamic interaction with the children, using a variety of approaches that meet the various learning types of individual children, whether visual, kinesthetic or auditory. To learn more about our school set up a free introductory class.

Published On: November 23rd, 2024 / Categories: Uncategorized /

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