General Information
At Six Blades Jiu Jitsu we strive to help students get the most out of their training.
Please call or email ahead to reserve your space in class.
Uniform Policy – Colors: White, Black or Blue Gi ( we don’t accept any other Gi color) + Rash Guard underneath. T-shirts are not permitted. Rental Uniforms are available.
No Gi Classes visitors & students are required to wear ranked rash guard + black tight pants underneath the black shorts, the rule is applicable for men and women. T-shirts are not permitted.
Do not wear the same Gi for two classes in a row.
Six Blades Jiu Jitsu Mat Guidelines:

Bow when entering and exiting the mat.
Greet teammates upon entering the mat. Shake everyone’s hands upon entering the mat.
Welcome all guests and visitors by introducing yourself. Treat newcomers as you would like to be treated.
Use respectful language and behavior, especially around minors. No curse/swear words allowed at the academy.
Before stepping foot on the mat, make sure to have your entire Gi on as well as a properly tightened belt.
Do not remove Gi tops or rash guards in the mat and lobby area.
Make sure you take your shoes off before entering the mat.
Put shoes on immediately upon exiting the mat. This holds true even if you’re just going to the bathroom.
Keep fingers and toenails short and trimmed.
Always compliment your sparring partner and shake/touch hands before and after the roll.

Only apply as much force as needed. Never intentionally harm anyone.
Be on time to class. If you happen to arrive late, wait at the entrance to the mat till the instructor says it’s okay for you to join.
Ask the instructor’s permission to leave before exiting the mat.
Refrain from chatting while the instructor is talking.
No cell phone on the mat during class.
No picture or video taping the classes
No food or gum on the mat.
When the instructor assigns a task, continue doing that task until the instructor says otherwise. You can never drill a technique too many times
Have fun!

Become the best version of yourself!
We offer a variety of classes throughout the week, including both Gi and No-Gi sessions.
Our classes are designed for students of all skill levels, from beginners to advanced practitioners. Our instructors are experienced and passionate about teaching Jiu Jitsu, and are committed to helping you achieve your goals. At Six Blades Jiu Jitsu Denver we offer Jiu Jitsu programs for all ages and skill levels. No matter which program you choose, our Jiu Jitsu school is committed to providing a safe, supportive, and empowering environment for all students. Come join us and experience the benefits of Jiu Jitsu training firsthand!